1. QRP Appliance?

    A QRP Appliance comes to live. It contains: …

  2. Elecraft T1 ATU in FT 817: Done.

    As described in http://www.ngunn.net/cyberworld/hamradio/t1/ I have successfully integrated a T1 tuner into my FT 817. My tuner was sensitive to noise on the 9V rail - using the 12V rail from the data port and some blocking capacitors I finally got the tuner working. …

  3. Hack for Archiving Google Drive

    Problem: Archiving of Google Drive documents does not work with the google drive app. Why? Google Drive App stores only links to the cloud (i.e. .gdoc, .gsheet). Solution: Write a script and use a cron job :) …

  4. Connect Morse Key to Iphone

    How to connect morse key to an iPhone? Using the buttons on the standard headphones does not work, as the apple interface does not provide low-level access to low-level events like button-down. The idea (R1, R2) will be (1) put a signal to one stereo channel (2) receive the same signal on the input channel (small resistor will simulate mic) (3) detect tone level changes for input channel -> real time-morse (4) put side-tone & co to remaining stereo channel. …

  5. Upgrade Audi Concert 2 to Bluetooth A2DP

    Cars manufactured about 10 years ago often do not provide bluetooth audio support. Here I describe a proven setup with bluetooth (A2DP and HFP) for an Audi with the built-in radio “Concert 2” and the built-in hands-free system. I use two different audio devices for music (A2DP) and telephone (HFP). For recent firmware versions (iOS 7.x) of the iPhone it is possible to use multiple bluetooth audio devices. …

  6. Wikipedia Contributions (-2014)

      [1] Wikipedia. Dipole antenna. 2012. [ http ] [2] Wikipedia. Frequency-shift keying. 2012. [ http ] [3] Wikipedia. Software-defined radio. 2012. [ http ] [4] Wikipedia. Balun. 2012. [ http ] [5] Wikipedia. Near vertical incidence skywave. 2012. [ http ] [6] Wikipedia. Random wire antenna. 2012. [ http ] [7] Wikipedia. Voacap. 2012. [ http ] [8] Wikipedia. Sloper antenna. 2012. [ http ] [9] Wikipedia. Wspr (amateur radio software). 2011. [ http ] [10] Wikipedia. Chirp transmitter. 2011. [ http ] [11] Wikipedia. Qrp operation. 2011. [ http ] [12] Wikipedia. Antenna tuner. 2011. [ http ] [13] Wikipedia. Plasticity (physics). 2010. [ http ] …

  7. XML Bandplan - Structured Amateur Radio Bandplan

    As of today bandplan information for amateur radio is accessible in form of various spreadsheets, PDFs or even in Wikipedia. Of course this differs from country to country. Depending on the source, the bandplan may be outdated and it can be challenging to find a valid source for up-to-date information. While it is possible to find bandplan authoritative information on bandplan usage for the three different IARU regions, the best-practices for the member countries are even more difficult to find. In short: the information is difficult to find, exists in various formats and is not at hand when you really need it. …

  8. Morse Decoder Test - iPhone / iPad

    There are three morse decoders in the App Store. Same test case for all of them: “CQ CQ CQ DE DG D6FL DG6FL K” from memory of my palm paddle with 20wpm. …

  9. Converting LaTeX to ePub

    In contrast to claims in the web (i.e. M. Kofler: Sackgasse LaTeX?) it is possible to create ebooks from LaTeX sources easily even with sophisticated formulas and custom stylesheets. Using calibre and tex4ht I was able to provide an ePub of my PhD thesis: Atomistische Simulation von Nanoindentation. The resulting output looks quite impressive (minor defects when it comes to image boundaries or subscripts in text blocks). For comparison the original PDF. …

  10. Raspi As WSPR Transmitter

    Recently the Raspberry Pi (Raspi) has gained much interest in the Ham Radio community. One interesting things is: the I/O pins provide access to a clock signal (GPCLK0) and it is possible to modulate this clock signal via software. This has motivated Guido Ten Dolle (PE1NZZ) to implement a WSPR transmitter and to publish the sources under GPL. Within the last days I have made some minor modifications to the WsprryPi sources, built a 30m QRP filter using the ugly method and connected everything to my doublet antenna. …