1. Funny Fork Bomb

    Try this in your console, if you dare :D :(){ :|:& };: …

  2. Calculating the Shannon Entropy with Perl

    Just a small script ;) …

  3. Biometrisches Paßphoto mit GIMP selbst erstellen und im Supermarkt drucken leicht gemacht

    Zunächst muß das Paßphoto den biometrischen Richtlinien (1) entsprechen. Diese können mittels der beigefügten Schablone und GIMP leicht erfüllt werden. Dann kann das Paßphoto in im Supermarkt gängige Sofortdruckformate (9x13, 10x15, 11x17, 13x18, 20x30) umgewandelt werden. Angefügtes Bild in GIMP öffnen. Gewünschtes Paßphoto als neue Ebene öffnen. Paßphoto-Ebene so skalieren und verschieben, daß Gesicht in die Maske passt. Schablonen-Ebene unsichtbar machen und Paßphoto exportieren (Name muss sein: passphoto.png). Beigefügtes Perl Skript speichern, ausführbar machen und loslassen. NB: ImageMagick muß installiert sein. Die erzeugten Bilder im Supermarkt ausdrucken. ########### Beginn: Perl Skript ########### #!/usr/bin/perl my $passphoto = “passphoto.png”;  my $basename = $passphoto; $basename =~ s/.png//; my %format = (  “9x13” => { “width” => 1535, “height” => 1053, “nrow” => 2, “ncol” => 3}, “10x15” => { “height” => 1181, “width” => 1772, “nrow” => 2, “ncol” => 4}, “11x17” => { “height” => 1299, “width” => 2008, “nrow” => 2, “ncol” => 4}, “13x18” => { “height” => 1535, “width” => 2126, “nrow” => 2, “ncol” => 5}, “20x30” => { “height” => 2362, “width” => 3543, “nrow” => 4, “ncol” => 8}, ); for my $f (keys %format) { print “Make photos for $f\n”; my $img = $basename.”_”.$f.”.jpg”; my $cmd = “montage -background red -geometry 414x532+2+2 -tile “; $img = $img.$format{$f}{“ncol”}.”x”.$format{$f}{“nrow”}; $cmd = $cmd.” “.$passphoto foreach (0..$format{$f}{“ncol”}*$format{$f}{“nrow”}); $cmd = $cmd.” png:- | convert -resize “.$format{$f}{“width”}.”x”.$format{$f}{“height”}.’>’;  $cmd = $cmd.” -size “; $cmd = $cmd.$format{$f}{“width”}.”x”.$format{$f}{“height”}.” xc:red png:- -gravity “; $cmd = $cmd.” center -composite “.$img; $cmd; } ########### Ende: Perl Skript ########### (1) Biometrische Richtlinien für Paßphotos:http://www.bundesdruckerei.de/de/service/service_buerger/buerger_persdok/persdok_epassMstr.html …

  4. Verified All-Band TRX for the Yaesu FT 817 ND

    The information available on the web may be misleading: the jumper enumeration is ambiguous and little information on the extended range exists. …

  5. Visualization of the repository of my PhD thesis

    Using codeswarm I have visualized the progress on my PhD thesis :) …

  6. Biophysics VI Lecture

    Link to the Biophysics VI lecture in WS2010/2011 http://www.kis.uni-kl.de/. …

  7. von Mises Stress

    The same scene using a volumeview to show the von Mises stress from different angles. …

  8. Hamlib Spacenavigator

    A software to tune your rig using a 3d mouse. This script allows to use the space navigator 3d mouse to tune your rig using the hamlib interface.  …

  9. Lattice Defects

    Stacking faults are colored in red, partial dislocations and the surfaces are colored in gray.  The  nucleation of plasticity is homogenous. An amorphous blob of defective particles is nucleated in the region of the maximal stress. Later a stacking fault is nucleated and cross glide sets in. …

  10. View on the Whole Crystal

    The formation of a screw dislocation can be seen on the top surface. Obviously it is not easy to observe the plastic deformation. …