Problem: Archiving of Google Drive documents does not work with the google drive app. Why? Google Drive App stores only links to the cloud (i.e. .gdoc, .gsheet). Solution: Write a script and use a cron job :)
` #!/bin/bash google_drive_dir=”/home/my_user_name” which gdrive >/dev/null || echo “Missing gdrive. Get it here:” _archive_filetype () { from=$1 to=$2 find “$google_drive_dir” -name “.$from” -print0 | while read -d $’\0’ file do id=$(sed ‘s/.“doc_id”: “//;s/”.*//’ “$file”) bd=$(dirname “$file”) cd “$bd” gdrive download –id $id –format “$to” –force done }
_archive_filetype gdoc docx _archive_filetype gslides pdf _archive_filetype gsheet xlsx `