Mount OSX SMB Share From Linux
A small reminder for all the options: mount.cifs // /mnt/public -o user=myusername,password=mypassword,nounix,sec=ntlmssp,noperm,rw …
Time Machine & Local Snapshots
Time machine can keep local snapshots. While this feature is useful if you travel and don’t have access to your Time Capsule, the local snapshots can consume a lot of the local disk space in /.MobileBackups. There is a complex Removal Algorithm for old local snapshots based on the remaining free disk space. …
Downloading the Google Latitude History of a Year
It is possible to download the google latitude history of a complete year in one step: https://maps.google.com/locationhistory/b/0/kml?startDay=01/01/2012&endDay=12/31/2012 …
Start VNC Server on OSX from Commandline
The builtin VNC server can be started using commandline (i.e. with ssh). As root do: …
Movie Import Problem iTunes 11 - Workaround
In iTunes 11.0.11 (12) 64-Bit there is a bug, which prevents movie import. Once a movie is imported (Drag & Drop or manually) it does not show up in iTunes. Nevertheless the file is copied to the iTunes directory Home Videos and is inserted into the library file iTunes Library.xml. If you wait a while the movies will show up (at least some in my case…). …
VW RCD 200 Autoradio austauschen
In diesem Artikel beschreibe ich kurz was zum Austausch des standardmäßig eingebauten Autoradios - hier RCD 200 - in einem VW Polo zu tun ist. Man benötigt nicht mehr als einen einfachen Stecker-Adapter für knapp 5€. Den Schluß, ob die üblichen Werkstätten (s.u.) aus finanziellen Gründen oder schlichter Inkompetenz unnötige Adapter für etwa 150€ anbieten überlasse ich dem Leser. …
Katasterkarten vom Land Hessen online finden
Die Katasterkarten vom Land hessen lassen sich mittlerweile auch online finden. Sie sind jedoch ein wenig versteckt: …
Control the Yaesu FT 817 Using Arduino
Recently the Arduino microcontroller has become famous for controlling rigs. When it comes to the Yaesu FT817 there exist controllers for satellite operation (VE9RQP), for loop antenna tuners (WW3WW) and for transverters (IZ0MJE). During the development of the xmlbandplan.org project I was in need of a hardware to play with some features. The idea of an Arduino controller library for the FT817 was born. Based upon the sources mentioned above and the Hamlib implementation for this rig I have created a library for controlling the FT817 from an Arduino (the sources are available on github). More details on the usage and installation of this library can be found in the source tree. …
Measuring Performance Data Using Collectl Under Linux
Using the tool collectl it is possible to measure a number of performance indicators under Linux. Particularly interesting are the methods to measure properties like CPU and memory consumption per taks / thread. …
Outdoor QRP Equipment
Hiking is fun and QRP is fun. Both can be combined using homebrew equipment :) …